Anyone who follow badminton game closely will notice this brand, Li Ning. Thanks to China badminton team where they consistently winning all major tournament, Li Ning brand does catch my attention.

Li Ning rackets is not cheap at all. From what I observe, the cheapest price racket I found is still above RM 200. Highest goes to RM 1095. With no trial of the racket, it is difficult to decide to get one for good. Thanks to Taman Megah Badminton court, they organise a demo day for the racket at Taman Megah. I took the opportunity and hope to get some good feeling about it's racket.

Most of the series is put on the table for trial. Without any delay, I immediately register myself and seek for advice which series suite my games most. The organiser introduce few series and I have the opportunity to trial it on the floor with my friends, Ah Lai and Ah Wong.

Flame F 390 & Flame F 380 - feels good, slightly heavier on the head but still maintain good response for defense.

I also tried 3D Braid Powertec 300B which feels very good as well, of course the $$$ sign is also very high up there!!!

Overall, Li Ning racket is much better then I expected. Before this demo trial, I also feel it's racket is overprice and is not worth buying, especially when it is made of China. However, after this trial, I would say I will really consider getting one for try.

Further to it, there is a 7 days trial period with deposit program running at Taman Megah Badminton outlet. So, there is still chance for change if it does not suite me well.

Let's see how it turns out later....